Бъдещето на либералната демокрация Лекции на проф. Майкъл Гудман и проф. Дейвид Джио

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В следващото си издание поредицата “Бъдещето на либералната демокрация” посреща двама лектори от катедрата за военни изследвания на Кингс Колидж Лондон – проф. Майкъл Гудман и проф. Дейвид Джио. Лекциите им ще се проведат една след друга от 18.30 ч. и ще бъдат последвани от обща дискусия. Събитието е на английски език, с вход свободен. // The next edition of “The Future of Liberal Democracy” lecture series welcomes two guests from the Department of War Studies at King’s College London – prof. Michael Goodman and prof. David Gioe. They will give two talks, starting at 18.30 h, followed by a discussion. The event will be held in English.

18.30 h Lessons from British Intelligence in Watching the Russians

Michael Goodman, Professor of Intelligence and International Affairs and Head of the Department of War Studies at King’s College London

In this lecture Professor Goodman will consider the evolution of the Joint Intelligence Committee’s role as Britain’s watchdog, focusing primarily on the Soviets during the Cold War period. The lecture will include a number of case studies, both of successful warnings but also of notable failings. It will examine different sources of intelligence collection in the production of intelligence warnings, of tactical versus strategic warning, and the thorny issue of the relationship between the producers and consumers of intelligence.

19.15 h Russian Disinformation and the Social Media Battlefield

David Gioe, British Academy Global Professor in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London

In this lecture Professor Gioe will explore Russian views of disinformation, especially on the modern social media battlefield. He will consider case studies including the 2016 US election and will offer some recommendations for defeating disinformation.

About the speakers:

Michael Goodman is Professor of Intelligence and International Affairs and Head of the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Norwegian Defence Intelligence School and at Sciences Po, Paris. He has spent many years seconded to the Cabinet Office as the Official Historian of the Joint Intelligence Committee and is a current British Army reservist.

David Gioe is a British Academy Global Professor in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. He is also History Fellow for the Army Cyber Institute at the US Military Academy at West Point. He is a senior officer in the US Navy Reserve and, with Professor Goodman, runs the Cambridge Security Initiative’s International Security and Intelligence program.

About the series:

Will the values of liberal democracy withstand the series of consecutive crises we are going through? How will the world change in the age of information overload, post-truth, hybrid wars, the COVID-19 pandemic and the very real war in Ukraine? The series “The Future of Liberal Democracy” considers these questions with the help of guest lecturers from the world of law, political science, and history. The lectures are open to the public and are streamed online, where you can find the previous editions (in Bulgarian):

⚈ Явор Сидеров: Мултилатерализъм или сфери на влияние: какво означава руската агресия в Украйна

⚈ Доц. Светослав Малинов: „Перманентната криза на либералната демокрация?“

⚈ Кръгла маса „Границите на правата по време на война“

⚈ Доц. Огнян Минчев: „Либералната демокрация – исторически превъплъщения и перспективи за бъдещето“

⚈ Проф. Даниел Вълчев, д-р Първан Симеонов, доц. д-р Борис Попиванов, доц. д-р Симеон Гройсман: „Кризата с Covid-19 и бъдещето на либерално-демократичните конституционни модели